10 Stunning Peacock Coloring Pages for Kids

On a trip to a local zoo you and your family have an oppurtunity to come to the animals who bear both impressive features and impressive colours such as the peacock! You can see some gorgeous and magnificient peacocks up close.

Between the way their tails fan out impressively and the gorgeous colours kids will find on the beautiful feathers, it’s no wonder many kids take a shine to peacocks when they see them in these coloring books or on television shows. Naturally, the whole combination makes for a great coloring opportunity!

Peacock Coloring Work from Pasha
Peacock Coloring Work from Pasha

10 Stunning Peacock Coloring Pages for Kids


Peacock coloring pages are one of the most commonly available craft supplies. This activity is the perfect opportunity to do some activities and crafts and a big hit as lot of pasting, colouring involved – perfect to develop fine motor skills for the little ones.

Beautiful Peacock Coloring Page for Kids
Beautiful Peacock Coloring Page for Kids

You love all types of birds, but we think peacocks are absolutely stunning! Whenever you see them and stare in amazement at their bright, vibrant colors and beauty. Here are 10 Pretty Peacock Coloring Pages for Kids that your kids will love making this summer!

There are so many fun materials that kids can use to create a Peacock coloring page. In addition to, kids can create Peacock Paper plates that you can visit in this post.


Best Peacock Coloring Project
Best Peacock Coloring Project


You can make a peacock coloring page by using our template and a little sparkly colored pencils, your kids can create this fun bird craft too. This is a great coloring activity for preschoolers as it involves crayons, line art, and fine motor skills.

Check out these 10 super fun and totally creative peacock coloring pages for kids that might you are almost tempted to starting making yourselves!

Cute Peacock Cartoon Coloring Page
Cute Peacock Cartoon Coloring Page
Mammy Peacock Cartoon Coloring Sheet
Mammy Peacock Cartoon Coloring Sheet
Peacock Walking Along the Edges of River Coloring Page
Peacock Walking Along the Edges of River Coloring Page
Peacock and a Tree Coloring Page
Peacock and a Tree Coloring Page
Savana Peacock Coloring Sheet
Savana Peacock Coloring Sheet
Simple Peacock Coloring Idea
Simple Peacock Coloring Idea
Wonderful Peacock Colors Craft Activity
Wonderful Peacock Colors Craft Activity
Peacock Walking Around Lake Coloring Page
Peacock Walking Around Lake Coloring Page

We hope you get as excited as we do to get crafting some pretty peacocks coloring pages!

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