Why Choose MyPlate Printables? This Educational Game Helps Better Health

Getting kids to start on healthy eating can be tricky, but this MyPlate Printable encourages kids to learn about healthy food choices in a fun way. This educational game is a fun way to engage young children and their parents in learning about a normal food portion size to promote better health. You will know how much of each type of food should be eaten so kids get all the nutrients needed to grow, learn and thrive.

The Goal of MyPlate Printables

If we left it up to kids, they will choose every meal that consists of sweet food like ice cream and cupcakes. So, as parents, we have to help them understand the importance of eating a variety of foods, especially ones that are actually healthy.

MyPlate Printable goals are:

  • to teach kids that there are various foods that we can separate into groups, namely five food groups (Fruits, Vegetables, Grains, Protein Foods, and Dairy).
  • to help kids understand that we need to eat various foods from all five groups to keep them in good health and to protect against chronic disease.

Why Choose MyPlate Printables?

Because these MyPlate Printables are the most preferred nutrition learning materials for preschool, kindergarten, and elementary students.

This MyPlate Printable activity is the newest resource education of nutrition guides for kids. So if you have the food guide pyramid resources or perhaps older food cluster nutrition guides, please replace them. Each section of MyPlate Printable is color-coded (green and red following for vegetables and fruits, orange-grains, purple-protein, and blue for dairy) so kids can see at a glance how much of these food groups are to eat.

For maximum impact, this MyPlate Printable includes more than 5 drawing cartoons and showcases a new source of conveying MyPlate messages to children in a genuine setting.

Choose Myplate Printable 1000
Choose Myplate Printable 1000
Education for Kids Myplate Printable 1000
Education for Kids Myplate Printable 1000
Empty MyPlate Printable 1000
Empty MyPlate Printable 1000
Myplate and Pyramid Food Printable for Parents and Kids 1000
Myplate and Pyramid Food Printable for Parents and Kids 1000
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Myplate Menu Printable for Kids Education 1000
Myplate Printable Complete 1000
Myplate Printable Complete 1000

MyPlate printable page is presented to kids and parents alike through simple preschool skills like naming foods, matching letters and sorting foods help teach key MyPlate messages.

This Myplate Printable helps kids get acquainted with this educational game and how it can be used as a visual tool for a lifetime of healthy eating.

Kids will explore the different food groups (vegetables, fruits, grains, and protein foods, as well as a “cup” on the side for dairy) that are represented on MyPlate Printable. You and the kids can analyze a meal of their own by drawing it on a page. Finally, kids will reflect on the food they eat because there is a visual guide to eat well. They can make more balanced meal options that kids should put on their plates to stay healthy.

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